When it comes to financial planning, most business owners tend to concentrate on the here and now, and for good reason. Operating a small business demands paying attention to many details, ranging from customer service to marketing. Consequently, long-term financial planning often becomes secondary to immediate needs and concerns. However, having a business financial advisor...Read More
From identifying smart tax strategies that will put money back into your pocket, to mapping out long-term plans for future growth, smart financial planning for business owners is directly correlated to a company’s success. Small business owners are adept at finding solutions and covering multiple roles at once – acting as the CEO, marketing director,...Read More
Running a small business comes with a lot of challenges. For starters, it’s challenging to gain access to many benefits offered by large corporations when it comes to financial planning. As a sole owner you are responsible for a lot of things and should minimize risk as much as possible. However, there is not always...Read More
Conducting an annual business audit is important for everyone. In brief, an audit is an evaluation of the financial statements of a business. And as your company grows, it is important to track your finances. Our professional team at Saddock Financial Partners can help you with auditing your company. Business audits help you work efficiently,...Read More
The beginning of the year is a great time to hire a CFO! In a nutshell, the duty of a company’s CFO is to oversee the finances of the business. The CFO plays an integral role, handling everything to do with money. That is, any financial data from the past, present, or future of the...Read More
You have a dream and a brilliant idea for a new business. You have professional know-how and an outstanding business plan. You may have even handed in your notice and decided it’s time to make a go of it on your own. But securing one or more start up business loans might prove to be...Read More
Nobody said owning and running a business was easy. There are so many aspects involved – not only do you have to be an expert in whatever service your business provides. But, to be truly successful in the long term, you also have to be an expert in business itself. If this sounds like a...Read More
At Saddock Financial Partners we love what we do. Yes, we’re financial advisors, but the truth is we can offer so much more than advice or tax preparation. We’ve been in business for nearly four decades, and in that time we’ve learned that our client relationships are the most important aspects of our business. We...Read More
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