What’s the quickest way to worry a business leader? Whisper the word ‘recession’ and see how they react. Just thinking about future economic downturn isn’t fun. And most business owners prefer to silently wish it never affects them, but you know the Saddock Advisory team loves to plan. There are many reasons why we think...Read More
At Saddock Advisory we love what we do. Yes, we’re financial advisors, but the truth is we can offer so much more than advice or tax preparation. We’ve been in business for nearly four decades, and in that time we’ve learned that our client relationships are the most important aspects of our business. We are...Read More
If you know anything about Saddock Advisory, then you know that we’re all about relationships. Sure, we’re your go-to guys when it comes to finances, but most of our clients stay because we offer so much more than financial expertise! In fact, most of our clients have been around since we started in the 80s!...Read More
You built your business from the ground up, you’ve led it through successful times, and eventually you’ll want to pass it on to the next generation of your bloodline. Even if you’re a decade away from even considering retirement, you need to start thinking about succession planning. Succession planning has various bases that need to...Read More
With all great advancements, there must be a little push back. And this holds true especially when it comes to technological breakthroughs that have made business functions easier and consumers happier. However, the booming Digital Age does come with some setbacks; while we are more connected than ever before and many processes are becoming fully...Read More
Every year around this time, business leaders across the U.S. are sweating thanks to Tax Day. Even if you have a professional who handles your finances and taxes, an audit is always possible. We even detailed some common mistakes that can trigger an audit in this February blog post. While the chances of an audit...Read More
Part of being a great business leader is having a plan in place for every situation imaginable, in fact it’s just smart. Your company could fall victim to natural disaster, technical failure, human error, or fraud. But having a disaster recovery plan in place can save you big time and help your organization avoid detrimental...Read More
Many great companies got their start with a hands-on approach. And business leaders are used to doing it all. Or at least they figure out how to do something if they didn’t already know how. But although hard work and passion will only carry your company so far, there will eventually come a point in...Read More
When seeking a financial advisor, you are essentially beginning a partnership. Even if you have some experience navigating finances, you are pretty much putting your business and its future in the hands of your new guide—which is why it’s crucial that you partner with an advisory team you trust. Cultivating trust is one of the...Read More
Business valuations are no simple task, there are lot of areas to cover and many aspects to consider. While some business owners try to take on this project themselves, we don’t recommend it. You may miss some important things that could end up costing you big. However, we do believe and encourage all of our clients...Read More
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